Our Tests

Dog, cat and horse Allergy testing
We offer the following panels:
1 - Universal Panel I - 54 allergens, canine/ feline IgE:
most common food (18), environmental (11),
pollen (trees, grasses, weeds (15)), insects (4) and mold/fungi (6)
2 - Extended Universal Panel I - 100 allergens, canine/feline IgE:
environmental (14), pollen (trees, grasses, weeds (15)), insect (4), food (60), and mold/fungi (7)
3 - Universal panel II - 44 allergens, canine/feline IgE:
does not contain food allergens and screens for
environmental (5), mites (5), pollen (trees, grasses, weeds (28)), insect (1), and mold/fungi (5) allergens
4 - Extended Universal panel II - 94 allergens, canine/feline IgE:
environmental (11), pollen (trees, grasses, weeds (55)), insect (4), food (18), and mold/fungi (6)
5 - Pollen Only panel - 54 allergens, canine/feline/equine IgE:
trees (24), grasses (15) and weeds (15)
6 - Food panel - 54 allergens, canine/feline IgE:
food allergens (49),
most common food-related storage mite allergens (3), flea (1) and yeast (1)
Food Intolerance
We screen for 54 of the most common foods and food additives that can cause
Food intolerance in dogs and cats.
Canine Lyme Disease testing
Canine Lyme disease monitoring profile (8 markers, IgG).
Canine Echinococcus testing
Canine Echinococcus (9 markers, IgG).